Does Your Client Need An Independent Orthopedic Evaluation? Tips To Get Them Prepared

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If you are an attorney and your client has been scheduled to receive an independent orthopedic evaluation, it's time to prepare. It's never a good idea to send your client to their evaluation without some advance preparation. A good independent evaluation is the key to your client's success, especially where their insurance settlement is concerned. That's why it's so important that you prepare your client for the evaluation. Here are four tips that will help you to prepare your client for a successful evaluation. 

Start With the Primary Doctor

If your client needs to undergo an independent orthopedic evaluation, start the process with their primary doctor. Your client needs to sit down with their primary doctor to go over their medical records. Now's the time to make sure that those medical records paint an accurate picture of your client's medical condition. If your client is experiencing new symptoms, make sure they share that information with their doctor during that appointment. That way, the records are complete for the evaluation. 

Provide All Medical Records

If your client requires an independent orthopedic evaluation, provide all relevant medical records. This is especially important when several medical conditions will be evaluated. The medical evaluator can only work with the information they have in front of them. If they haven't received all relevant medical information, they may not be able to provide your client with a complete evaluation. Unfortunately, that can be detrimental to your client's case. To avoid that problem, make sure the independent evaluator has access to all medical records that relate to your client's condition. 

Be Accurate With the Details

If your client is scheduled for an independent orthopedic evaluation, stress the importance of accurate details. The medical evaluator will be documenting everything your client has to say. They'll also be watching the way your client moves and reacts during the evaluation. If the medical evaluator notices anything out of the ordinary, it could harm your client's case. This is especially true if the evaluator feels your client is malingering. To avoid that, it's important that your client is as truthful and as accurate as possible during the evaluation. 

Bring a Witness Along

Finally, if your client is scheduled for an independent orthopedic evaluation, encourage them to bring someone along for the appointment. Your client should be encouraged to have someone in the room during the examination. The person they bring with them won't be able to talk during the appointment. However, they can take notes during the examination.
